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ABSTRACT RIKY DULFAN. The Influence Of Learning Media And Motivation Learning Towards Learning Outcomes Of Students In Subject KKPI at SMK N 13 Jakarta. Scientific Paper, Jakarta : Study Program of Economic Education, Concetration of Office Administration Education, Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, July 2013. This Study aims to determine whether there is the influence of learning media and motivation learning towards learning outcomes of students in subjects KKPI (Skill of computer and information management) at SMK N 13 Jakarta. The research was conducted over one month from middle May to middle June 2013. The research method used is survey method with the correlation approach. The research population was all students of SMK N 13 Jakarta as much 1062, and affordable population of this study is a class XI students of office administration concentration which amounts to 72 students. The sample used as many as 62 students by using simple random sampling. Data variable Y (learning outcomes) is a secondary data obtained from the value of a class XI student learning outcomes KKPI. While the data variable X1 (learning media) questionnaire shaped instrument used with take the indicators stimulate mind, stimulate attention, and stimulate ability, instrument was measured using a Likert scale. Prior to use, tested the validity of construct (Construct Validity) through the validation process of calculating the correlation coefficient score points with a total score and reliability testing with Alpha Cronbach. The results of the reliability of the instrument variable X1 (learning media) is 0,895 or 89,5 % can be conclude instrument variable X1 (learning media) is reliable. While the data variable X2 (motivation learning) questionnaire shaped instrument used with take the indicators external motivation of learning and internal motivation of learning. Then, also take the sub indicators an effort to succed, a wish for the future, achievement, and a condusif studying environment. Prior to use, tested the validity of construct (construct validity) through the validation process of calculating the correlation coefficient score points with a total score and reliability testing with Alpha Cronbach. The results of the reliability of the instrument variable X2 (motivation learning) is 0,79 or 79% can be conclude instrument variable X2 (motivation learning) is reliable. Technique of data analysis using SPSS 17.0 begins with finding the test requirements analysis test for normality using the Kolmogorov smirnov method and obtained values of X1, X2 and Y is 0,200 which are all more than the 0,05 then the data are normally distributed. For the data variable Y (learning outcomes) is a secondary data from the school in subject KKPI. Linearity test results X 1 (learning media) with Y (learning outcomes) of 0,000 which is less than the 0,05, it can be conclude the data X1 (learning media) with Y (learning outcomes) has a linear relationship. Then the results of linearity test X2 (motivation learning) with Y (learningoutcomes) of 0,000 which is less than the 0,05, it can be concluded the data X2 (motivation learning) with Y (learning outcomes) also has a relationship linearly. Then look for the classic assumptions test the multicollinearity test. A good regression model requires the absence of multcollinearity problems. The results obtained are the tolerance values of 0,888 which means more than 0,1 and the variance inflation factor (VIF) 1,126 which means less than 10. Thus, it can be concluded that in the regression model didn’t occur multicollinearity. Then look for the heterokedastisitas test with a spearmans rho. Significance value of X1 (learning media) for 0,788>0,05 and significance X2 (motivation learning) for 0,637>0,05. Since the significance value of more than 0,05 the the regression model didn’t occur heterokedastisitas. Regression equation obtained is Y = 53,335 +0154X1 + 0,126X2 . Test the Hypothesis that the F test in ANOVA table produce Fcount (18,645) > Ftable (3,153). This means that X1 (learning media) and X2 (motivation learning) simultaneously affect the Y (learning outcomes). T test produce tcount of X1 (learning media) is (4,014) = ttable (2,002) and X2 (motivation learning) (2,996) = ttable (2,002). Because t count > t table , it can be concluded that there is a positive influence on the learning media and motivation learning towards learning outcomes. The results of these studies concluded that there is a positive influence between learning media and motivation learning towards learning outcomes. Then a coefficient of determination of test results obtained 38,7% variable learning outcomes (Y) determined by X1 (learning media) and X2 (motivation learning).
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Additional Information: | Pembimbing I: Dra. Rr. Ponco Dewi K, MM ., Pembimbing II: Darma Rika S, S.Pd, M.SE |
Subjects: | Ilmu Sosial (Social Science) > Pendidikan (Education) Ilmu Sosial (Social Science) > Pendidikan (Education) > Pendidikan Sekolah Lanjutan (Secondary Education) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ekonomi > S1 Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran |
Depositing User: | Budi Siswanto |
Date Deposited: | 08 Dec 2017 09:10 |
Last Modified: | 08 Dec 2017 09:10 |
URI: | http://repository.fe.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/1232 |
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